Wonderful Wool: 16th August: Part of August Craft Month; Panel discussion, makers demonstration and exhibit

Join us for a panel discussion exploring the potential of Irish Grown Wool as a local sustainable material. Wonderful Wool Time: 10am – 1.30pm Date: Friday 16th August 2024Location: Conor Lecture Theatre, Ulster University, York Street, Belfast, BT15 1ED Format: Panel discussion, makers demonstration and exhibit Tickets: Free but booking is necessary here Ulster University …

Shearing preparations, tips for harvesting and packing wool

Produced in partnership with Teagasc, our short sheep shearing videos outline tips, techniques and conditions for farmers when shearing to ensure the best possible presentation and value for wool. Preparing for Shearing David Heraty, sheep farmer and shearing contractor outlines the key preparations for shearing to retain value in the fleece. David Heraty is a …

Watch the IGWC ‘Wool Panel Talks’ Series at Showcase 2024

The Irish Grown Wool Council recently curated three days of Wool Panel Talks at Showcase 2024 for a series on exploring the potential for Irish grown wool. Panellists included national and international businesses, designers and researchers to an audience of domestic and global buyers and stakeholders. Talks took place over each day of Showcase, 21st …