DAFM Irish Wool Report Published, July 2022

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, today welcomed the publication of the Irish Wool Feasibility Report.

Minister McConalogue said:

“I welcome the publication of this important report. Delivering on a commitment in the Programme for Government, this important report provides a valuable resource for industry, and I look forward to working with Ministers Hackett and Heydon in helping the sector to develop in line with the recommendations outlined. I hope the report will be used by the sector to help chart an exciting future of the wool sector.”

Minister Charlie McConalogue, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Minister of State for Agriculture with special responsibility for land use and biodiversity, Senator Pippa Hackett said:

“I am delighted to announce the publication of this valuable report which contains a wealth of information for stakeholders and industry including potential funding streams, market opportunities for wool including fertiliser and insulation, and multiple areas for further research and development.”

Senator Pippa Hackett, Minister of State for Agriculture with special responsibility for land use and biodiversity

One of the main recommendations of the report is the establishment of an industry-led Wool Council which would develop and promote Irish wool domestically and internationally, bringing together multiple stakeholders to foster collaboration, innovation and scaling activities. The report suggests that the broadly based membership of this voluntary Council should include a mix of primary producer farmers and stakeholders/supporters, including commercial enterprises who are willing to fund research and promotions and to advise on scaling of micro businesses involved in the wool sector.

Minister Hackett added:

“I now call on stakeholders and industry to come together to form a Wool Council that will lead the industry collaboration and innovation needed to develop and promote Irish wool domestically and internationally. Following the formation by industry of a Wool Council representative of a broad range of stakeholders, our department will provide financial assistance of €30,000 towards the initial set-up costs.”

Senator Pippa Hackett, Minister of State for Agriculture with special responsibility for land use and biodiversity

Minister of State with special responsibility for research and development, Martin Heydon, said:

“I welcome the publication of this report reviewing the market opportunities for Irish grown wool-based products and note the recommendations it makes relating to research. Wool has huge potential as a natural material in Irelands growing bioeconomy. The Programme for Government commits to investing in research in the agri-food sector, including the bioeconomy, and the research funding our department provides through its competitive, public-good funding streams is an important component in delivering on this.”

Minister of State with special responsibility for research and development, Martin Heydon

The final report is titled: “Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine; Review of Market Opportunities for Irish Grown Wool Based Products” and can be accessed below.